Friday, November 7, 2008

A plea for prayers

I have mentioned to some of you that there is a little boy that's Fintan's age who has been fighting Neuroblastoma for about a year now. His name is Dante. He is such a special kid. A funny kid. A kid that is so loved by his parents and by so many of us. For a while there it looked liked he'd beaten the cancer, he is so strong. But now it's back and it's everywhere. One of the bones in his back just broke because of it. His left eye is swollen shut because of a tumor behind it. But the kid just keeps smiling. Right now Dante has one last chance for treatment, it's called MiBG therapy. But his lungs aren't working properly and his doctors aren't sure if it is pneumonia or the cancer that is causing the problem. If his lungs grow any worse in the next four days then they can't treat him at all. They will be out of options.

He's barely two years old, Mamas. :(

Please pray for him. Even if you don't ever pray, please, please pray for him.


Lolita Breckenridge said...

please please please.....

SaRaH said...

praying and begging. if you don't mind, i'm going to link to this post. <3

Alina Klein said...

Of course you can, Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Praying here too. It just breaks my heart.

tanya or MOM said...

Please let him get better. please let him get better.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for him constantly.