Thursday, November 6, 2008

Are you superstitious?

Do you believe in Fate? Karma? Jinxes? Bad luck? I've almost got Pat convinced that all those things are real. How else do you explain it when you make a comment like: "Wow, Coen went down so easily tonight! He hasn't woken up once!" And before you can even draw your breath from speaking those words you hear "WAAAAAH!"?

Or how do you explain the fact that if I rave about how wonderful life is I know I'd better pull out an umbrella real quick because, darn tootin', the sh#% is just about to hit the fan...or the rug...or the roller coaster.

As I said in my previous post, Fintan's antibiotic has really wreaked havoc with his bowels. Well, this morning, while I was getting our stuff together to go to the Indianapolis Museum of Art with the boys, I guess he had an explosion up his back. Fintan reached around and, of course, found it. I was actually in the kitchen right about then with these thoughts running through my mind: "Wow, this "no show" thing is really working out well! I mean, not a peep out of him. He's playing so well by himself and hasn't even ASKED to watch one. All it took was a little creativity on my part... (yes, THAT thought is, I believe, the thought that thwapped Fate upside the head and made her decide to put this smug little Mama in her place)...and a little preparation and blah blah blah. Well, it turned out that his fun had nothing to do with MY creativity and everything to do with HIS. He took what he found on his back and decorated the house with it. There were dollops on the wood floor, smears on the roller coaster, skid marks on the rug, fingerprints on his pants... and, oh, what a surprise when mommy was ready to go!

Yes, I do believe in jinxes, bad luck, karma and most of all, I believe in my dear friend Fate. Oh, yes, and the Universe too. I did call the Universe's attention to myself in my last post, after all. But I hearby absolve you of any wrongdoing, oh Universe. Please forget I exist now, okay? And I mean that in a GOOD way, please.


Emily said...

O.....M.....G. Fintan is ALL BOY! Gabby would have been crying and saying, "Poo-poo diaper! Poo-poo diaper!" wanting me to get her the heck out of her gross clothes. But no. Alas, the boy has to take what he has found and make a masterpiece. I hope your "s*#tty" day improved and you eventually made it to the IMA, but I have a feeling maybe that went by the wayside...

Anonymous said...

AUGH!!!!!!! We had a poo smear incident the other day as well that left me with lots of laundry and freshed steam-cleaned carpets, but no masterpieces were created.

Oh are a funny, funny boy... I can see this story being told at his wedding. :) Hopefully Mommy will be able to laugh about it then, if not sooner. :)

Alina Klein said...

Ugh, Emily, Fintan would rather keep a dirty diaper on all day than have it changed. It cramps his playtime and "show" time, ya know? We did make it to the IMA. I knew if I stayed home I'd just be a grumpy, mean mom. We got there VERY much later than we'd planned, but since we went by ourselves it was fine.

Oh, I'm sorry you've had the poo experience too, Brooke! These boys. I swear...and swear, and swear some more (under my breath of course).

Layla and Delia said...

Are you serious??? Oh, Alina... Fintan sure had me fooled all these years (as if he's twenty or something). I always thought he was a kind, respectable, thoughtful little kid. Not so!!! ;) Those boy genes run strong. :)

Alina Klein said...

Yeah, Julie, if only things didn't run INTO his genes...I mean jeans, that would be good. ;)