I thought Halloween was going to be a bust this year. We were sad to miss a Halloween party on Thursday afternoon and another with our friends on Friday morning when we headed to the doctor's office (or as Fintan would say: doctors "offtist") instead. The doctor recommended no close contact with other toddlers (so no trick or treating with Zayden and Ivy) but said he didn't think us going trick-or-treating and being outside as a family would be a problem. And thank goodness because I can't remember ever experiencing a more lovely Halloween in my life.
Fintan had a blast. He would march right up to the doors to knock....
He'd even bypass the candy bowl. But then he tried candy corn for the first time...
When Daddy managed....
to open the package.
a taste....
Then he'd skip to the next house with a mouthful of candycorn. What could be better?
Coen spent most of the evening like this:
But then he woke up:
and then he REALLY woke up:
But by then we were almost back to the car. Next year will be YOUR year, Coen.
Saturday morning we went to breakfast (or. as Fintan would say, "breftast") with Alex, Jen and their daughter Sadie, and Ben and Jenny. The boys were SO good. Fintan just tucked into his meal (and mine...and Pat's too) after a long week with no appetite and Coen slept almost the entire time. It was the most pleasant breakfast we've had in months. Then we went to the park to play. Of course, we forgot the camera that morning.
Sunday afternoon our good friends Terry and Laura and their kids, Madison and Jacob--two of our favorite kids in the world, came to visit from Southern Indiana. Madison, who used to call Pat "your boy, Pat" to her daddy, is now almost as tall as I am! She and I just finished reading the same book series (Twilight) and had fun comparing notes on that. And Jacob, who used to do flips on his daddy's legs when he was Fintan's age (what feels like three weeks ago) is now a giant hockey player and a real sweetheart who played with Fintan the whole time they were here.
I only took a few pictures of the fun because my camera battery died, but this one was my favorite. They were decorating some pumpkin muffins I made (thanks for the recipe, Emily!) with orange drizzle and Fintan was "helping". We told them all to smile for the camera and this was what we got:

Let's get a little closer. Here's Jacob:

Here's Madison:

And here's Fintan:

A few minutes later he leaned over and without even picking it up, took a giant bite off of another muffin on Madison's plate. That's my boy!
GREAT pictures!! I love the Dino costumes, and the Dino being worn is classic! You should send that in somewhere! I am soooo glad you guys had such a great weekend and Halloween!!
I laughed out loud reading about and seeing Fintan walking into peoples homes. That is hilarious!!!
Oh so glad you had a good weekend...I just finished reading the Twilight series. You must go with me to the movie when it comes out!
Glad you had such a nice weekend! Love the dinosaurs.
I think I need a couple of little dino photos for my fridge. HINT HINT. And I love the cupcake face!
Umm, in case you are taking my request seriously, may I have 1 happy little bunny man for the fridge as well please? That little face got a big smile and even some aaaahing out of Patrick.
I am so happy you had a wonderful weekend! :) I loooove the pictures of the fam on Halloween. Your dinos are such cuties!
Has Coen always taken a paci or is this a new thing? Can he teach Tommy?!
Your boys are the two best looking dinosaurs I have ever seen. Fintan walking into your neighbors' homes is the BEST. Celebrating a holiday, visiting with many dear friends, AND in bed early??? That is a most wonderful weekend.
ps. my word verification is "nononese" I believe Nora is fluent in this language.
Dawn, I loved wearing my little dino. I don't know where I'd send it, though. :)
Steph, I'd love to see Twilight with you! Dawn actually just read the series, too, so maybe we should all three go together. :)
Lalove, all right, twist my arm! I'll send pics. But I can't promise it will be this week...or next, let's be honest. ;)
Thanks, Jacque!
Brooke, the paci is a NEW thing! It's a new and WONDERFUL thing. He started taking it right when he turned four months old. Don't give up with Tommy if you'd really like him to use one. It's changed my life, especially with car rides!
Lol, Sarah, I have no doubt Nora speaks "nononese", I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she speaks several "neses". ;)
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