Coen is just sweet as sugar. He's a little snuggle buggle who nurses a lot and sleeps a little (more than Fintan did, but less than we wish). He smiles a lot and giggles a little. He's growing so fast you can practically see it happening. His head is warm and fuzzy and I like to rub my lips across it. He likes when I bounce him on my legs and sing "This is the way the ladies ride..."
He's precocious, too. He's already talking, of course. In addition to the classic "goo" and "gah", I've quite frequently and distinctly heard the words "gay" and "guy" spoken--even shouted. They have not yet come together to form a sentence. But I'm pretty confident that when they do the word "rights" will come next.
*Sniff* my open-minded little man. Makes a mommy proud.

Oh my gosh, how much he's changed already! Looks so much like daddy...
That is sooo funny!! I love it! When Z was that age I swore he had a 6th sense. One day when he took a good long nap, I was on-line the whole time on IV, and e-mail, googling stuff, etc.. When he woke up and I went to get him he looked me straight in the eye and called me a Geek!!
Alina! I have found you! I love the blog world to keep up to date on others. The boys are getting so big :)
HAHA! Gabby has a blog posting from this summer titled "Gay Rights" too! You'll have to check it out.
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