Thursday, July 16, 2009

Growing in the garden

My boys are always hungry. Always. Especially the little one. And finding a snack in the garden is a fun way to keep his bitty belly full.

This is quite easy to do because he thinks mulberries are tasty.


This tasty!


And tomatoes are good. Very very good.


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But he has to share the mulberries with the birds and the cherry tomatoes have been slow to blush--we get only a few a day, much to his dismay.


So Coen has to be resilient and move on to the next thing that's as tall as he is. Squash. Mmmmm.


While Coen is eating, Fintan is harvesting. His favorite phrase in the garden is "Holy cow, look at the size of this one! It's enormous!" Whether he's talking about a toad, a tomato, or an overripe zucchini.


Here's a picture of a recent harvest. We love to harvest. Harvesting is fun.


And even though we've grown our fair share of weird veggies in the garden,


we sure grow some cute boys out there!




Jen said...

Love your garden. I'm impressed that you find time to work in it what with two very busy boys. We have two volunteer squash plants (one's a zuchinni, but I'm not sure what the other is) and a volunteer corn stalk, but that's it for our veggie garden. We have tons of perennials instead. Maybe next year we'll plant some veggies. I'm glad your boys love the fresh veggies. It looks like they are having fun and what a great way to spend time together!

braun brothers said...

What a fun post!

You are so darn green-thumbed crafty!! :)

And your boys are AHdorable!! :)

Jacque said...

I wonder if it is a boy thing, because Owen is ALWAYS hungry. He's such a little thing too to eat so much. Love all your garden goodies, and the boys too!

SaRaH said...

Seriously -- your harvest is impressive until compared with your harvest of boys.

Emily said...

Alina, it's been too long since I have visited your blog. Boy, your kids are growing up! I can't believe how tall Coen is! That harvest looked wonderful and the boys seem to enjoy being outside so much. I loved the photos from Coen's first birthday party. The cake was awesome! Did you make it? So cute!