Sunday, December 13, 2009

Levels of brightness

I actually had this conversation this weekend with a close friend who is going through a divorce:

Her: "We're dividing up weekends so they stay with him one night and all the next day and me the other night and day."
Me: "Ah. So, when they stay with him on Sunday nights do they then just stay with your in-laws all day on Monday while you work?"
Her: "Alina...they come to your house on Mondays."
Me: "Oh yeah!"

I laughed about it on the way home and said, "boy I am not very bright, huh?"
Pat said, "You're bright... just bright more like a strobe light."
I laughed and agreed.
But I'd say I'm bright more like a motion detector.


Walter Jeffries said...

Strobe is good. Motion detector is good... :)

Over on my Sugar Mountain Farm blog on the Cold Morning Stars post you asked about fencing. Check out these articles for details on fencing. We fence outside perimeters strongly and then use polywire on divisions due to cost and time. Netting works great as a temporary fencing. There are some tricks to it. Get a good fence charger, 6 joules or more is ideal, minimum of 2 joules. Realize that the animals need training to electric fencing in a physically well fenced area with the electric inside of that.


Sugar Mountain Farm
Pastured Pigs, Sheep & Kids
in the mountains of Vermont
Read about our on-farm butcher shop project:

Walter Jeffries said...


Think of our fences as a strong outer ring with lines coming in from the outer ring that sub-divide the total field area into small paddocks. The animals are moved through the paddocks as they graze down the plants. The outer ring is hot smooth high tensile four wire since we also have sheep. The inner perimeters are two to three wires of polywire on step-in posts. has a good description of how to fence in their resources page.



Carrie said...

OMG, Alina this made me laugh and smile -- it totally sounds like something I would say!

Alina Klein said...

Thank goodness, Carrie! I'm glad I'm not the only one. ;)

Unknown said...

wow looking at this in the future